Specialty Services

There is strength in knowledge. Learn more about specialty practice areas and be seen by one of our experienced providers.
Primary Care/Family Medicine
Arnot Health offers Primary Care and Family Medicine providers in several convenient locations throughout the Southern Tier.
Primary Care/Family Medicine
Walk-in Care
Arnot Health offers the convenience of Walk-in Care at three locations. Care when and where you need it.
Walk-in Care
X-Ray/Diagnostic Services
X-ray and other diagnostic services (mammography, MRI, CT Scan, Ultrasound, PET Scan, etc.) are available at several locations in the Southern Tier.
X-Ray/Diagnostic Services
Blood Draw/Laboratory
Blood draw and other Laboratory services are available at several Arnot Health locations in the Southern Tier.
Blood Draw/Laboratory
Orthopedic Care
Your bones are the base of everything. Make sure they're strong and healthy.
Orthopedic Care
Weight Loss Surgery
Explore weight-loss surgery options available so you can get started with your healthier life.
Weight Loss Surgery
Cancer Care
Diagnostic and specialized care are truly lifesavers. Act now to get the care you need.
Cancer Care
Heart Care
Be seen by top-rated cardiologists for everything from surgery to preventative heart care.
Heart Care

Find a Doctor or a Service Near You

Whether you're looking for a new primary care provider, or in need of a specialist, finding the right doctor is the first step on the road to recovery. Search for providers based on specialty, location, or practice area so you can find one that best fits your needs.
Search Now

Latest News

Thursday, July 25, 2024
Arnot Health Minute

Nurse Recognized for Compassionate End of Life Care

An Arnot nurse helped a patient make some crucial decisions at the end of life.
Friday, July 19, 2024
Arnot Health Minute

Arnot Clinic Comes to the Aid of Patient in Need

Sometimes, healthcare is about more than medicine. It's about the total care of a person and an Arnot office recently demonstrated their commitment.
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Arnot Health Minute

Breaking Barriers with Zero HIV Stigma Day

July 21st is Zero HIV Stigma Day. Learn how you can do your part to raise awareness while fostering a supportive community for those living with HIV.