April 12th, 2022, 1:45 PM

Join us at this event to learn more about how Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy could help improve your life!

The event will be held at 4:30 pm Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at the Joseph Meade Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, Ira Davenport Memorial Hospital 7571 State Route 54, Bath, NY
This event will include information about:

  • How pelvic health impacts your overall health and well-being
  • How physical therapy can help with incontinence issues
  • How constipation can play a role in pelvic floor symptoms
  • How your pelvic floor is an integral part of your movement system

Registration is required, but walk-ins are welcome.  Call Health on Demand at 607-737-4499 to register or for more information.

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